Final year of pharmacy

Written by Hadeeqa, currently a pre-registration pharmacist who has successfully graduated with an MPharm degree. In this article she reflects on her experiences as a final year pharmacy student, providing valuable insight and advice for others. Final year of studying pharmacy at degree level can be daunting,especially because first year only seemed like it was…

Medicine Use Reviews in Wales

Within the community pharmacy contractual framework there are three tiers of services: essential, advanced and enhanced. All community pharmacies must provide essential services. Advanced services are optional but both the pharmacist and the pharmacy premises must meet certain criteria. Also the pharmacy must already be providing all essential services to a satisfactory level. Enhanced services are…

New public health campaign – putting children at risk or advocating pharmacists?

Parents urged to think pharmacist first for unwell children A major new public health campaign urges parents to consult a pharmacist first for minor illness, instead of GP or A&E 18 million GP appointments and 2.1 million visits to A&E for self-treatable conditions cost the NHS £850 million per year Using a pharmacy for minor health concerns eases pressures on GPs…